Heres an overview of old and new projects i've created.

Brevkassen is a Norwegian satire project that pokes fun at all the digital mailboxes we have in Norway. Brevkassen was launched on May 6, 2021. The premise is that, as a resident of Norway, you suddenly become aware that you’ve had yet another digital mailbox for several years. And inside it lie a bunch of unread messages you should have seen—but with so many digital mailboxes, it’s not that easy, is it?
Check out Brevkassen here (Norwegian)
Sosiale Medier-Eliten / Someliten
Between 2013 and 2015, I ran an anonymous satire project on former Twitter. The project created memes based on clichés from media professionals and communication advisors who claimed to teach the world how social media worked. Read more here:
"SoMe-Eliten er bransjens Charlie Hebdo" - Kampanje
"Etter ett års tenkepause, gjør Trym Stene nå for alvor comeback med satire og Someliten" - Medier24
A parody version of Netflix that I created as part of experimenting with jQuery UI.
During the pandemic / COVID-19, we were flooded with news about the coronavirus, and after a while, people started to feel overwhelmed. I created a Chrome extension that replaced all instances of "COVID-19" and "corona" with the word "karbonade" (a type of Norwegian meat patty), making news articles on Norwegian websites a bit more fun instead of depressing. At its peak, it had around 100 installations.
Karbonadify can still be downloaded here, but it’s probably not very useful anymore since the news landscape has changed—thankfully! :)

Fjesdal Kommune
Fjesdal Kommune is a fictional municipality in Viken County. At first glance, it appears completely normal—until you start reading about its business sector and local services.
- Sadly i've taken the site down so theres no link to it at the time, but maybe ill put it up again someday.